NOAA Nautical Charts - Alaska Coast
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- 16003 - Arctic Coast
- 16004 - Point Barrow to Herschel Island
- 16005 - Cape Prince of Wales to Pt. Barrow
- 16006 - Bering Sea-eastern part;St. Matthew Island, Bering Sea;Cape Etolin, Achorage, Nunivak Island
- 16011 - Alaska Peninsula and Aleutian Islands to Seguam Pass
- 16012 - Aleutian Islands Amukta Island to Attu Island
- 16013 - Cape St. Elias to Shumagin Islands;Semidi Islands
- 16016 - Dixon Entrance to Cape St. Elias
- 16041 - Demarcation Bay and approaches
- 16042 - Griffin Pt. and approaches
- 16043 - Barter Island and approaches;Bernard Harbor
- 16044 - Camden Bay and Approaches
- 16045 - Bullen Pt. to Brownlow Pt.
- 16046 - McClure and Stockton Islands and vicinity
- 16061 - Prudhoe Bay and vicinity
- 16062 - Jones Islands and approaches
- 16063 - Harrison Bay-eastern part
- 16064 - Harrison Bay-western part
- 16065 - Cape Halkett and vicinity
- 16066 - Pitt Pt. and vicinity
- 16067 - Approaches to Smith Bay
- 16081 - Scott Pt. to Tangent Pt.
- 16082 - Pt. Barrow and vicinity
- 16083 - Skull Cliff and vicinity
- 16084 - Peard Bay and approaches
- 16085 - Wainwright Inlet to Atanik
- 16086 - Nakotlek Pt. to Wainwright Inlet
- 16087 - Icy Cape to Nokotlek Pt.
- 16088 - Utukok Pass to Blossom Shoals
- 16101 - Pt. Lay and approaches
- 16102 - Kuchiak Creek to Kukpowruk Pass
- 16103 - Cape Beaufort
- 16104 - Cape Sabine
- 16121 - East of Cape Lisburne
- 16122 - Cape Dyer to Cape Lisburne
- 16123 - Point Hope to Cape Dyer
- 16124 - Cape Thompson to Point Hope
- 16145 - Alaska - West Coast. Delong Mountain Terminal
- 16161 - Kotzebue Harbor and Approaches
- 16190 - Bering Strait North;Little Diomede Island
- 16200 - Norton Sound;Golovnin Bay
- 16204 - Port Clarence and approaches
- 16206 - Nome Hbr. and approaches, Norton Sound;Nome Harbor
- 16220 - Bering Sea St. Lawrence Island to Bering Strait
- 16240 - Cape Ramonzof to St. Michael;St. Michael Bay;Approaches to Cape Ramanzof
- 16300 - Kuskokwim Bay;Goodnews Bay
- 16304 - Kuskokwim Bay to Bethel
- 16305 - Bristol Bay-Cape Newenham and Hagemeister Strait
- 16315 - Bristol Bay-Togiak Bay and Walrus Islands
- 16322 - Bristol Bay-Nushagak B and approaches
- 16323 - Bristol Bay-Kvichak Bay and approaches
- 16338 - Bristol Bay-Ugashik Bay to Egegik Bay
- 16343 - Port Heiden
- 16363 - Port Moller and Herendeen Bay
- 16380 - Pribilof Islands
- 16381 - St. George Island, Pribilof Islands
- 16382 - St. Paul Island, Pribilof Islands
- 16420 - Near Islands Buldir Island to Attu Island
- 16421 - Ingenstrem Rocks to Attu Island
- 16423 - Shemya Island to Attu Island
- 16430 - Attu Island Theodore Pt. to Cape Wrangell
- 16431 - Temnac Bay
- 16432 - Massacre Bay
- 16433 - Sarana Bay to Holtz Bay;Chichagof Harbor
- 16434 - Agattu Island
- 16435 - Semichi Islands Alaid and Nizki Islands
- 16436 - Shemya Island;Alcan Harbor;Skoot Cove
- 16440 - Rat Islands Semisopochnoi Island to Buldir l.
- 16441 - Kiska Island and approaches
- 16442 - Kiska Harbor and Approaches
- 16446 - Constantine Harbor, Amchitka Island
- 16450 - Amchitka Island and Approaches
- 16460 - Igitkin ls. to Semisopochnoi Island
- 16462 - Andrenof. Islands Tanga Bay and approaches
- 16463 - Kanaga Pass and approaches
- 16465 - Tanaga Island to Unalga Island
- 16467 - Adak Island to Tanaga Island
- 16471 - Atka Pass to Adak Strait;Three Arm Bay, Adak Island;Kanaga Bay, Kanaga Island;Chapel Roads and Chapel Cove, Adak Island
- 16474 - Bay of Islands;Aranne Channel;Hell Gate
- 16475 - Kuluk Bay and approaches, including Little Tanaga and Kagalaska Strs.
- 16476 - Sweeper Cove, Finger and Scabbard Bays
- 16477 - Tagalak Island to Little Tanaga l.
- 16478 - Tagalak Island to Great Sitkin Island;Sand Bay-Northeast Cove
- 16480 - Amkta Island to Igitkin Island;Finch Cove Seguam Island;Sviechnikof Harbor, Amilia Island
- 16484 - Atka Island to Chugul Island Atka Island
- 16486 - Atka Island, western part
- 16487 - Korovin Bay to Wall Bay-Atka Island;Martin Harbor
- 16490 - Nazan Bay and Amilia Pass
- 16500 - Unalaska l. to Amukta l.
- 16501 - Islands of Four Mountains
- 16511 - Inanudak Bay and Nikolski Bay, Umnak l.;River and Mueller Coves
- 16513 - Unalaska Island Umnak Pass and approaches
- 16514 - Kulikak Bay and Surveyor Bay
- 16515 - Chernofski Harbor to Skan Bay
- 16516 - Chernofski Harbor
- 16517 - Makushin Bay
- 16518 - Cape Kavrizhka to Cape Cheerful
- 16520 - Unimak and Akutan Passes and approaches;Amak Island
- 16521 - Unalaska Island Protection Bay to Eagle Bay
- 16522 - Beaver Inlet
- 16528 - Unalaska Bay and Akutan Pass
- 16529 - Dutch Harbor
- 16530 - Captains Bay
- 16531 - Krenitzan Islands
- 16532 - Akutan Bay, Krenitzin Islands
- 16535 - Morzhovoi Bay and Isanotski Strait
- 16540 - Shumagin Islands to Sanak Islands;Mist Harbor
- 16547 - Sanak Island and Sandman Reefs;Northeast Harbor;Peterson and Salmon Bays;Sanak Harbor
- 16549 - Cold Bay and approaches, Alaska Pen.;King Cove Harbor
- 16551 - Unga Island to Pavlof Bay, Alaska Pen.
- 16553 - Shumagin Islands-Nagai I. to Unga I.;Delarof Harbor;Popof Strait, northern part
- 16556 - Chiachi Island to Nagai Island;Chiachi Islands Anchorage
- 16561 - Mitrofania Bay And Kuiukta Bay
- 16566 - Chignik and Kujulik Bays, Alaska Pen.;Anchorage and Mud Bays, Chignik Bay
- 16568 - Wide Bay to Cape Kumlik, Alaska Pen.
- 16570 - Portage and Wide Bays, Alaska Pen.
- 16575 - Dakavak Bay to Cape Unalishagvak;Alinchak Bay
- 16576 - Shelikof Strait-Cape Nukshak to Dakavak Bay
- 16580 - Kodiak Island;Southwest Anchorage, Chirikof Island
- 16587 - Semidi Islands and Vicinity
- 16590 - Kodiak Island Sitkinak Strait and Alitak Bay
- 16591 - Alitak Bay-Cape Alitak to Moser Bay
- 16592 - Kodiak Island Gull Point to Kaguyak Bay;Sitkalidak Passage
- 16593 - Chiniak Bay to Dangerous Cape
- 16594 - Marmot Bay and Kupreanof Strait;Whale Passage;Ouzinkie Harbor
- 16595 - Kodiak and St. Paul harbors;Kodiak Harbor
- 16596 - Womens Bay
- 16597 - Uganik and Uyak Bays
- 16598 - Cape Ikolik to Cape Kuliuk
- 16599 - Bays and Anchorages, Kodiak Island Karluk Anchorage;Larsen Bay;Uyak Anchorage
- 16601 - Cape Alitak to Cape lkolik
- 16603 - Kukak Bay, Alaska Peninsula
- 16604 - Shuyak and Afagnak Islands and adjacent waters
- 16605 - Shuyak Strait and Bluefox Bay
- 16606 - Barren Islands
- 16608 - Shelikof Strait-Cape Douglas to Cape Nukshak
- 16640 - Cook Inlet-southern part
- 16645 - Gore Point to Anchor Point
- 16646 - Ports of Southeastern Cook Inlet Port Chatham;Port Graham;Seldovia Bay;Seldovia Harbor;Approaches to Homer Hbr;Homer Harbor
- 16647 - Cook Inlet-Cape Elizabeth to Anchor Point
- 16648 - Kamishak Bay;lliamna Bay
- 16660 - Cook Inlet-northern part
- 16661 - Cook Inlet-Anchor Point to Kalgin Island;Ninilchik Harbor
- 16662 - Cook Inlet-Kalgin Island to North Foreland
- 16663 - Cook Inlet-East Foreland to Anchorage;North Foreland
- 16665 - Cook Inlet-Approaches to Anchorage;Anchorage
- 16680 - Point Elrington to East Chugach Island
- 16681 - Seal Rocks to Gore Point
- 16682 - Cape Resurrection to Two Arm Bay;Seward
- 16683 - Point Elrington to Cape Resurrection
- 16700 - Prince William Sound
- 16701 - Prince William Sound-western entrance
- 16702 - Latouche Passage to Whale Bay
- 16704 - Drier Bay, Prince William Sound
- 16705 - Prince William Sound-western part
- 16706 - Passage Canal incl. Port of Whittier;Port of Whittier
- 16707 - Prince William Sound-Valdez Arm and Port Valdez;Valdez Narrows;Valdez and Valdez Marine Terminal
- 16708 - Prince William Sound-Port Fidalgo and Valdez Arm;Tatitlek Narrows
- 16709 - Prince William Sound-eastern entrance
- 16710 - Orca B. and ln.-Channel ls. to Cordova
- 16711 - Port Wells, including College Fiord and Harriman Fiord
- 16712 - Unakwik Inlet to Esther Passage and College Fiord
- 16713 - Naked Island to Columbia Bay
- 16723 - Controller Bay
- 16741 - Icy Bay
- 16760 - Cross Sound to Yakutat Bay
- 16761 - Yakutat Bay;Yakutat Harbor
- 16762 - Lituya Bay;Lituya Bay Entrance
- 17300 - Stephens Passage to Cross Sound, including Lynn Canal
- 17301 - Cape Spencer to Icy Point
- 17302 - Icy Strait and Cross Sound;Inian Cove;Elfin Cove
- 17303 - Yakobi Island and Lisianski Inlet;Pelican Harbor
- 17311 - Holkham Bay And Tracy Arm - Stephens Passage
- 17312 - Hawk Inlet, Chatham Strait
- 17313 - Port Snettisham
- 17314 - Slocum and Limestone Inlets and Taku Harbor
- 17315 - Gastineau Channel and Taku Inlet;Juneau Harbor
- 17316 - Lynn Canal-Icy Str. to Point Sherman;Funter Bay;Chatham Strait
- 17317 - Lynn Canal-Point Sherman to Skagway;Lutak Inlet;Skagway and Nahku Bay;Portage Cove, Chilkoot Inlet
- 17318 - Glacier Bay;Bartlett Cove
- 17320 - Coronation Island to Lisianski Strait
- 17321 - Cape Edward to Lisianski Strait, Chichagof Island
- 17322 - Khaz Bay, Chichagof Island Elbow Passage
- 17323 - Salisbury Sound, Peril Strait and Hoonah Sound
- 17324 - Sitka Sound to Salisbury Sound, Inside Passage;Neva Str.-Neva Pt. to Zeal Pt.
- 17325 - South and West Coasts of Kruzof Island
- 17326 - Crawfish Inlet to Sitka, Baranof I.;Sawmill Cove
- 17327 - Sitka Harbor and approaches;Sitka Harbor
- 17328 - Snipe Bay to Crawfish Inlet,Baranof l.
- 17330 - West Coast of Baranof Island Cape Ommaney to Byron Bay
- 17331 - Chatham Strait Ports Alexander, Conclusion, and Armstrong
- 17333 - Ports Herbert, Walter, Lucy and Armstrong
- 17335 - Patterson Bay and Deep Cove
- 17336 - Harbors in Chatham Strait and vicinity Gut Bay, Chatham Strait;Hoggatt Bay, Chatham Strait;Red Bluff Bay, Chatham Strait;Herring Bay and Chapin Bay, Frederick Sound;Surprise Hbr, and Murder Cove, Frederick Sound
- 17337 - Harbors in Chatham Strait Kelp Bay;Warm Spring Bay;Takatz and Kasnyku Bays
- 17338 - Peril Str.-Hoonah Snd. to Chatham Str.
- 17339 - Hood Bay and Kootznahoo Inlet
- 17341 - Whitewater Bay and Chaik Bay, Chatham Strait
- 17360 - Etolin Island to Midway Islands, including Sumner Strait;Holkham Bay;Big Castle Island
- 17362 - Gambier Bay, Stephens Passage
- 17363 - Pybus Bay, Frederick Sound;Hobart and Windham Bays, Stephens P.
- 17365 - Woewodski and Eliza Hbrs.;Fanshaw Bay and Cleveland Passage
- 17367 - Thomas, Farragut, and Portage Bays, Frederick Sound
- 17368 - Keku Strait-northern part, including Saginaw and Security Bays and Port Camden;Kake Inset
- 17370 - Bay of Pillars and Rowan Bay, Chatham Strait;Washington Bay, Chatham Strait
- 17372 - Keku Strait-Monte Carlo Island to Entrance Island;The Summit;Devils Elbow
- 17375 - Wrangell Narrows;Petersburg Harbor
- 17376 - Tebenkof Bay and Port Malmesbury
- 17377 - Le Conte Bay
- 17378 - Port Protection, Prince of Wales Island
- 17379 - Shakan Bay And Strait, Alaska
- 17381 - Red Bay, Prince of Wales Island
- 17382 - Zarembo Island and approaches;Burnett Inlet, Etolin Island;Steamer Bay
- 17383 - Snow Passage, Alaska
- 17384 - Wrangell Harbor and approaches;Wrangell Harbor
- 17385 - Ernest Sound-Eastern Passage and Zimovia Strait;Zimovia Strait
- 17386 - Sumner Strait-Southern part
- 17387 - Shakan and Shipley Bays and Part of El Capitan Passage;El Capitan Pasage, Dry Pass to Shakan Strait
- 17400 - Dixon Entrance to Chatham Strait
- 17401 - Lake Bay and approaches, Clarence Str.
- 17402 - Southern Entrances to Sumner Strait
- 17403 - Davidson Inlet and Sea Otter Sound;Edna Bay
- 17404 - San Christoval Channel to Cape Lynch
- 17405 - Ulloa Channel to San Christoval Channel;North Entrance, Big Salt Lake;Shelter Cove, Craig
- 17406 - Baker, Noyes, and LuluIslands and adjacent waters
- 17407 - Northern part of Tlevak Strait and Uloa Channel
- 17408 - Central Dall Island and vicinity
- 17409 - Southern Dall Island and vicinity
- 17420 - Hecate Strait to Etolin Island, including Behm and Portland Canals
- 17422 - Behm Canal-western part;Yes Bay
- 17423 - Harbor Charts-Clarence Strait and Behm Canal Dewey Anchorage, Etolin Island;Ratz Harbor, Prince of Wales Island;Naha Bay, Revillagigedo Island;Tolstoi and Thorne Bays, Prince of Wales ls.;Union Bay, Cleveland Peninsula
- 17424 - Behm Canal-eastern part
- 17425 - Portland Canal-North of Hattie Island
- 17426 - Kasaan Bay, Clarence Strait;Hollis Anchorage, eastern part;Lyman Anchorage
- 17427 - Portland Canal - Dixon Entrance to Hattie I.
- 17428 - Revillagigedo Channel, Nichols Passage, and Tongass Narrows;Seal Cove;Ward Cove
- 17430 - Tongass Narrows
- 17431 - N. end of Cordova Bay and Hetta Inlet
- 17432 - Clarence Strait and Moira Sound
- 17433 - Kendrick Bay to SHipwreck Point, Prince of Wales Island
- 17434 - Revillagigedo Channel;Ryus Bay;Foggy Bay
- 17435 - Harbors in Clarence Strait Port Chester, Annette Island;Tamgas Harbor, Annette Island;Metlakatla Harbor
- 17436 - Clarence Strait, Cholmondeley Sound and Skowl Arm
- 17437 - Portland Inlet to Nakat Bay